Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Thought It Was A Yeast In



Students, the largest one that everyone wants to go

Ariel Ruya Editors of the NATION

popularity polls, those that cause so much excitement , those that arouse so much passion, more than once mark him as the sixth club in prestige, importance and massive, behind the five largest ever. Although these works are always on, are always restricted, students have a history, is aware, has seriously, have reliable leaders, have players of hierarchy and is also a magnet for those who grew up with the red and white on the body and membership in those who just enjoyed the triumphant grandeur of its history by a handful of months.

is that students do not know what ... Actually, know, know their traditions comforting, barely stepping on the traditional Bell City area or approach from the old field of 1 and 57. Days ago, in an interview with Miguel Russo, almost unwittingly, the coach pitched emotions, memories and certainties of his story with students. Curious, when man was devoted several months in America with Boca. Strikingly, if perceived to be the driver of another powerful brand, San Lorenzo. He once said: "Students are a way of life." For Students

a lesser extent, are exemplars Vélez Lanús, but not so great success and response capacity mass-not just a football club was champion of the world, America and others. Is a family, is an example to emulate. Neither the footsteps of the controversial antifútbol or pins stories, legends and truths and lies that toured the soccer review can hurt the cradle of football, membership, education, life. Therefore

Juan Sebastian Veron returned to his home, even with a couple of years of proven international class, beyond his personal desires future. So José Luis Calderón returned home; ruled billion in Qatar to meet the desire to retire where it formed.

why Gaston Fernandez and discarded Independent added to the project. "It has nothing to envy to the great" said the striker. Nothing, said the Cat. Perhaps, with River and Boca cost compared. But San Lorenzo, Independiente and Racing, frankly, hard to find a world of difference. To Mauro Boselli wants to leave Boca to play ... Estudiantes.
An entity that is an emblem that thrills. A football club is part of a healthy tradition.


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